What People Are Saying


“ I was skeptical at first. I wanted to try reiki, but i could never find someone i felt comfortable with. Vel is relatable, she just feels so real and genuine. ”

— K F.

“ Vel has such a nurturing energy. i feel so comfortable, open and free around her.”

— E B.


“ I love her honesty, her realism, and her simplicity. she has turned my road to healing into one filled with tears, joy, laughter and puns. ”

— L R.

“ Yo, vel will tap into those parts you didn’t even know needed to be tapped into. Vel just, yea. ”

— A M.

Motivation comes from within,

and I’m here to help you activate it.

REady to rise?

If you are ready to restore your energy, your peace, your well-being: